About Pacific Assist
Pacific Assist is a not-for-profiit charity serving the nations of the South Pacific.
Inspiring Self-reliance
Our mission is to inspire individuals, families, and communities to be emotionally, physically, economically, and educationally self-reliant.
In addition to the mission statement, Pacific Assist is guided by its Core Principles of Self-reliance:
- Individual and collective self-determination
- Personal responsibility and integrity
- Community
- Development Mindset
Pacific Assist is a not-for-profit charity serving the nations of the South Pacific. Originally founded as Furniture for Schools for the purpose of collecting redundant school furniture for schools in islands such as Tonga, Vanuatu, and Papua New Guinea, Pacific Assist has expanded its focus to include education and health and well-being projects in Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of the Pacific.
Our mission is to inspire individuals, families, and communities to be emotionally, physically, economically, and educationally self-reliant. Pacific Assist identifies disadvantaged communities within the South Pacific and then seeks to assist those communities build their self-reliance capacity. An essential element of this effort is engaging the individuals, families, and communities receiving assistance in the process of identifying needs and determining and implementing solutions. Fostering self-reliance is at the heart of Pacific Assist’s partnerships with South Pacific communities. Pacific Assist defines self-reliance as the capacity to envision a self-determined future and the freedom and capacity to access the necessary spiritual, mental, emotional, social and physical resources to enact that vision. To read more about specific projects visit our Services Page.
Core Principles of Self-reliance
Individual and collective self-determination – The right that individuals and communities have to freely act in accordance with their values and to be full participants in determining and implementing their own goals and strategies.
Personal responsibility and integrity – The obligation that everyone has to do all that they can to support themselves, to engage in the process of individual and community development, and to act with honesty and in compliance with the laws and expectations of society.
Community – This principle encompasses the idea that true self-reliance includes connecting with and caring for others. It is expressed as a commitment to the common good, a sense of obligation to one’s neighbour, and respect for the rule of law. It acknowledges that no one individual, group, or organisation has all the necessary knowledge, skills, resources, networks and relationships to build a successful, self-reliant community. It invites collaboration, cooperation and mutual respect within and between organisations and within and between communities. Essential to applying this principle is the quality of empathy. Having empathy is acknowledging that all individuals and communities have a right to a voice and to be heard and understood. In practice, empathy is expressed by listening with a sincere desire to understand how life is experienced by another. It is the act of seeking to walk in someone else’s moccasins – seeking and listening to their insights, opinions, concerns, and feedback.
Development Mindset – A mindset that encompasses initiative, creativity, and innovation. This mindset is expressed through a willingness of individuals and communities to take charge of their destiny, engage in personal and collective life-long learning, and to imagine new possibilities, new solutions, new methods either through original invention or by modifying what already exists.